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an artist, advocate and lifelong seeker of harmony.
her harmony is the synthesis of all that her mind, body and soul breathes in from the world that encircles her, and that of a world only she can imagine.
also known as Katie Harman Ebner, wife to Tim and mother to Tyler & Victoria. A descendant of Italian emigrants who sought the American Dream through the gates of Ellis Island and built a life and family in Portland, Oregon.
ka·tie har·man (e.)
/kay-tee här-man-Ä“/

Welcome! I'm delighted you're here.
As a musician, empowerment advocate, artist, seeker and doer, I strive
for this site, along with everything I do,
to stimulate encouragement, creativity,
and a sense of excitement for the beauty that surrounds us - within ourselves,
each other, and in the world.
Among these pages, you'll find ways to join me in a quest to find and redefine
the voice that guides us all.
Let's go!
oh, hello

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